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Skills Highway Champion Awards Highly Commended Learner

In November 2020, one of our learners, Pooja, was recognised as a Highly Commended Learner as part of the national Skills Highway Champion Awards 2020.

Pooja participated in a workplace learning and development programme developed by NZALI and Huhtamaki New Zealand, as part of the Employer-Led Workplace Literacy and Numeracy fund.

As a result of the programme, Pooja was better equipped to lead her team, of all women, to build their literacy and numeracy capability, which in turn influenced how they delivered quality assurance training across the plant floor. Pooja also developed key performance indicators within her team, so that they had a holistic understanding of the business and their role in it.

This programme led to Pooja’s interest to continue developing her personal leadership skills, and as a result Pooja completed the New Zealand Certificate in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education.

Congratulations Pooja!